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Talent Pipeline Management Academy

Collaborative Focus

Establish and staff the Wichita Falls Talent Partnership “backbone entity” to align the local talent pipeline

• Ensuring that the right partners are “around the table” will be critical to the success of the Talent Partnership. Identify and secure commitments from an initial set of key partners (e.g. WFISD, Vernon College, MSU, the Chamber, etc.) then leverage the knowledge and connections of these organizations to involve a broad range of education and training providers and other important community partners

• Ensure that Wichita Falls’ diversity – racial and ethnic, cultural, etc. – is reflected in the membership of the backbone entity and its various action teams; engage individuals and organizations who can serve as “community connectors” to make certain that communities of color and other constituencies are represented in the Partnership and effectively served by programs and services

• Research best-practice models and engage a national network to assist in Partnership development; formally establish the Partnership entity based on the desired corporate model and pursue public and private sources of funding to ensure that it is professionally staffed and operated

• Retain professional staff to ensure the effective and collaborative operation of the Partnership

• Develop a “pledge of support” for partners to signify their commitment to working collaboratively to raise levels of educational attainment in the community
